Because women’s grey matter matters, we invite you to become a member of Women’s Brain Health Initiative, a leader in protecting women’s brain health.
Women’s Brain Health Initiative welcomes corporate and non-profit members from all sectors and industries and from all countries. Members are expected to commit appropriate energy and resources annually to support the activities of the Initiative.
fund gender-based
brain-aging research
raise awareness of the magnitude of
brain aging diseases that affect women
educate the public on ways to stay
brain-healthy longer
Membership is by invitation, and extended by a Women’s Brain Health Initiative Executive
Attend meetings at WBHI Canadian corporate offices or by conference call
Participate in round table discussion (if and when scheduled), at industry conferences (e.g. AAIC)
Sharing activities undertaken to support women’s brain health
Discuss opportunities to further support women’s brain health
C-Suite representation at meetings, participating on working groups and committees, by those who can contribute to the discussion and have decision making authority
Paid up and current membership dues
Your Classic Membership supports the activities of Women’s Brain Health Initiative and provides the following benefits:
Access to work being done by the Research Chair for Women’s Brain Health and Aging
Access to research funded or co-funded by WBHI (CCNA)
Access to our partners (e.g.Age-Well)
Access to information gleaned from WBHI scientific panel discussions
Position on Advisory for Global expansion having an opportunity to help shape the future direction of women’s brain health and aging
Be a contributor in helping to further develop the global footprint for WBHI
Opportunity to share best practices
Opportunity to sponsor quarterly newsletter that is distributed and developed by WBHI
Opportunity to sponsor speaking engagements by WBHI to your company stakeholders etc.
Opportunity to be a presenter at a Six Pillar presentation when topical to the subject matter, discussion and relevant for attendees
Access to Mentoring Millennial Minds – how to access and leverage thinking into action
Access to WBHI’s Young Person’s Cabinet – how to engage and establish your own
Access to WBHI events and experiences at discounted rates
Provide relevant marketing material for your organization at our public and private events as deemed appropriate
Logo listed on Women’s Brain Health Initiative website Member page, linking to member’s site
Opportunity to use the Women’s Brain Health Initiative logo on your membership or affiliation website page
Inclusion and/or sponsorship opportunities through Mind Over Matter video series
Inclusion and/or sponsorship opportunities through Mind Over Matter magazines
First right of refusal for sponsorship on select events and activities
Logo listed in a premium position on Women’s Brain Health Initiative website Member page, linking to member’s site
Premium Membership includes Classic Membership Benefits plus:
This Membership includes Premium Membership Benefits and Classic Membership Benefits plus:
Your company recognized as: WBHI website powered by (your company name) located on our home page
Named co-partner on selected research scholarships funded through WBHI
Cocktail reception for 50 guests hosted in your company’s honor at an industry event of your choice where WBHI is an attendee and/or participant
Logo listed in an elite position on Women’s Brain Health Initiative website Member page, linking to member’s site
Please contact JoAnne Korten, Executive Director
416-606-2399 |